What We Do & How We Do It

Kip and Megan Lohr Bend, Oregon Realtors standing outside office

It’s obvious but we’ll say it anyway: Realtors aren’t all exactly the same. You have a choice of who you work with, and it’s actually a pretty important one.

Maybe you’ve heard horror stories about agents who didn’t serve their clients’ best interests. Incompentant (or worse, dishonest and unethical) real estate agents are out there. Fortunately, the vast majority of Realtors you’ll meet want to give you the very best service they can. In a referral-based business like real estate, that’s obviously key.

Nonetheless, different agents have very different skill-sets and very different approaches. It’s a question of chemistry. Your Realtor’s particular aptitudes need to mesh with your particular situation. Not only that, it helps a lot if he or she can connect with you and your needs on an intuitive level. You want an agent who gets you. 

What Sets LOHR Real Estate Apart


Part of what we’ve wanted to do with our website is give you a chance to get to know us. Take a gander at our Team page, and read some of our blog articles

What we want you to know right of the bat, though, is that none of us are salespeople. We’re not going to push or pester you into buying or selling a home. We may even actively discourage you from doing so. We want to know what makes you tick and what you’re really looking for in real estate and in life. If the time just isn’t right, or if Bend and Eugene might not be the best fit, we’re willing to tell it like it is. In other words, we want to be your advocate and guide, and that function goes beyond real estate.

Of course, there’s also a transactional element to any purchase or sale and plenty of nitty-gritty in between. Real estate is a process, and there’s definitely a desired end result. You may get on great with your agent during your first few encounters but then discover that they’re dropping balls right and left or just aren’t seeing eye-to-eye with you on the harder stuff. You may also discover, as is pretty common in this business, that you’ve been delegated to other agents in your Realtor’s office.

We’re a little bit different though. Well, maybe more than a little bit. We are indeed a team, and the way that we work is based on close collaboration. Each agent brings their own unique perspective and aptitudes to the table. At the same time, our Principal Broker, Kip Lohr, is involved with each and every aspect of all our clients’ transactions, from the very first conversations to closing and beyond. The buck always stops with him, and each of our clients receive the benefit of his decades of experience and high standard of personal integrity.

It might be a bit tough to understand how we do things until you see us in action. We like to half-jokingly refer to ourselves as “full service real estate agents,” but it’s an apt description. We do a little bit of everything, but it’s all based on what our clients need. We’re all about meeting the moment–whatever it presents–and giving it everything we’ve got. At the same time, we’re willing to push the envelope, asking the tough questions that help our clients really get down to the bottom of things while making sure the folks on the other side are keeping up their end of the bargain.

Don’t just take our word for it–we always like to urge people to interview multiple real estate agents. We’re only ready when you are, and if you’re not sure, we are totally thrilled to have a preliminary conversation about what you’re thinking of doing, no pressure and no nagging involved. We wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t love helping people navigate our markets and our communities, so just let us know how we might be able to help.

More Good Reasons to Choose LOHR Real Estate

  • Our Principal Broker, Kip Lohr, has more than 20 year of experience in the real estate industry, including a stint as a licensed contractor and remodeler of high-end homes. That gives him a unique eye for detail when touring properties and an edge in negotiations related to inspections.
  • Behind Kip, we have a crack team of some of the sharpest agents in the ‘biz. Ryan is the cool and analytic but also imaginative side of our operation, while Meredith excels at communication and at keeping things organized and on-point. Megan, meanwhile, is the glue that holds everything together behind-the-scenes.
  • We have extensive experience dealing with rural and farm or ranch properties in Central Oregon and the Willamette Valley. At the same time, we’re city folk, and know the neighborhoods of Bend and Eugene in and out.
  • We specialize in helping out-of-state clients relocate to the Bend or Eugene areas, and we love nothing more than helping introduce our clients to what all that makes our communities great places to live.
  • We’re willing to tell it like it is, but we’re also more than willing simply to listen. We want to collaborate with you in making your dreams a reality or getting the most value possible out of your home. At the same time, we also want to serve as a grounding presence and a voice of reason.
  • We have our finger firmly on the pulse of our local markets, and our analysis is some of the most detailed and insightful you’ll find anywhere. We aren’t fortune-tellers, but we’re pretty smart, and we can recognize the connections that others might miss.
  • We’re just plain fun to work with. The only thing that’s not fun is being on the opposite side of the negotiating table from us!


Contact Us

Buying, selling a home, or relocating is a process, but it doesn't have to be a hard one. 

Let us know how we can help.